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EU Global Gateway: Opportunity for Slovak entrepreneurs

We invite you to the event (EU Global Gateway: Opportunity for Slovak entrepreneurs) aimed at supporting the involvement of Slovak entrepreneurs in the implementation of the Global Gateway – a new EU strategy to support development projects around the world in the fields of sustainable energy, transport, digital infrastructure, healthcare, education, science and research.

The event is organized by EXIMBANKA SR in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic and the European Commission with the participation of representatives of the Government of the Slovak Republic and senior representatives of the European Commission.

The aim of the event is to introduce Slovak entrepreneurs not only to the opportunities offered by the Global Gateway strategy, but above all to the concrete ways in which they can get involved in the implementation of the strategy. Interactive workshops and subsequent networking are a unique opportunity to establish direct contact between entrepreneurs, representatives of ministries, EXIMBANKA SR, state agencies and the European Commission.

The event will take place on 6. June 2024 in the Congress Hall of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs at Hlboka cesta 2 in Bratislava.

Agenda | Agenda:

8:30 Registration | Registration

9:30 Welcome Address | Welcome Address


Juraj Blanár, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the SR/Minister of Foreign and European Affaires of the SR

Kamil Šaško, State Secretary, Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (TBC)

Rastislav Podhorec, CEO and Chairman of the Bank Board of EXIMBANKA SR/CEO and Chairman of the Bank Board of EXIMBANKA SR

9:45 Keynote Address | Key Note Address

Maroš Šefčovič, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission


Global Gateway as a promoter of EU core values and its contribution to global connectivity, sustainable energy transition, and development worldwide.

10:00 Panel – Participation of Small EU Member States and Businesses in the Global Gateway


Rastislav Chovanec, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic

Kamil Šaško, State Secretary, Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (TBC)

Rastislav Podhorec, CEO and Chairman of the Bank Board of EXIMBANKA SR/CEO and Chairman of the Bank Board of EXIMBANKA SR

Koen Doens, Director General, Directorate General for International Partnerships, European Commission/Director General, Directorate General for International Partnerships, European Commission (TBC)


Perspectives on the importance of involving smaller EU Member States and entrepreneurs in EU development initiatives, in particular the Global Gateway. / Perspectives on the Importance of Involvement of Smaller EU Member States and Businesses in EU Development Initiatives, particularly the Global Gateway

10:45 Break | Break

11:00 Workshop for Entrepreneurs – Specific Opportunities for Engagement in the Global Gateway/

Workshop for Business Community – Concrete Opportunities to Take Part in the Global Gateway


European Commission, Directorate-General for International Partnerships


Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí a evropostí SR/ Ministry of Foreign and European Affaires of Slovak Republic

Business Representative |Business Representative

Representative from Abroad/Implementation Agency Representative from Abroad (TBC)


Introduction of EU development initiatives, in particular Global Gateway, with emphasis on concrete possibilities of participation of businesses and support from side of the EU and Government

12:30 Networking Lunch |Networking Lunch

14:00 End of the Event | Conclusion of the Event

The event is intended for companies with export potential. Participation is free of charge.

The event will be held in Slovak with simultaneous translation into English.

Due to limited capacity, the organizer reserves the right to select participants.

Parking: due to limited parking in the vicinity of the MZVEZ, please use the adjacent parking lots.

Registration: due to increased security measures at the entrance to the MFAH building, please allow approximately 10 minutes for registration. Registration opens at 8.30 a.m.

If you are interested in attending the event, please fill out the registration form by 24. 5.2024

As part of the registration process, please complete the following form to help us identify relevant opportunities for Slovak businesses to participate in the Global Gateway Europe programme.

Thank you in advance.

Register form: