Export promotion and sustainability is our mission. Our institution and its top professionals have years of experience in trade insurance, trade finance and other forms of export support. We provide loans, guarantees, credit insurance that enable Slovak companies to expand into foreign markets. We are convinced that the knowledge, innovations and products of Slovak companies have the potential to succeed abroad and can continuously increase their potential and competitiveness. We are here to support this journey.
Through financial operations and expertise in the field of export, monitoring current geopolitical movements and the situation in individual markets, we are able to react flexibly to market conditions so that our clients – exporters are competitive in foreign markets while minimizing their risk.
Eximbanka is established by Act No. 80/1997 Coll. Our objectives, activities and legislative framework are thus defined the Act on EXIMBANK SR, the general framework of the economic policy of the Government of the Slovak Republic in the field of foreign trade, international legal standards and the rules of the OECD Consensus.
Eximbanka is therefore one of the important parts of the chain responsible for promoting the country’s economic policy in the field of external economic relations. However, we are not the only one; our position and ultimately the results we achieve are greatly influenced by the performance, efficiency and level of synchronisation of the activities of other domestic and foreign institutions that are an integral part of it.