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Buyer credit insurance (Product D)

Insurance products
for banks

We also provide insurance against risks for which commercial insurance undertakings in Slovakia have less appetite.

Insurance products
for banks

We also provide insurance against risks for which commercial insurance undertakings in Slovakia have less appetite.

Benefits of buyer credit insurance

We protect your business

Minimize your export risks with this insurance as the insured is your financing bank. You can get paid for your order without any problems, as the risk of default is borne by your financing bank.

We help you with liquidity

This insurance will provide you with the necessary liquidity, as your export receivable will be quickly paid and you do not have to wait for the project to be paid.

We will help you gain a competitive advantage

Offering your buyer in addition to your product also potential refinancing will increase your competitiveness which can play a key role in choosing your partner for a given project.

Insurance of the financing bank against the risk of non-repayment of the loan by the buyer

Insurance of riskier territories or insufficient security

It is used, for example, when a foreign buyer finances its purchases from export buyer credit

How it works

1. Buyer credit

A foreign buyer will use the loan to pay for the delivery of goods from your company. In addition to delivering your production, you can also provide him with advantageous financing for his purchase through a buyer credit.

2. Buyer credit insurance

Your financing bank will be insured against the risk of non-repayment of the credit through Eximbanka. After consideration of the application and thorough analyses of the export territory and all stakeholders (exporter, financing bank, buyer, and its bank), the insurance contract will be signed.

3. Indemnity

After the premium is paid, the insurance contract comes into effect. In the event of a claim, Eximbanka will pay out the insurance indemnity.



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Ukraine: export, investment and economic recovery.

EXIMBANKA SR is the only available Slovak product for financing Slovak exports to Ukraine

Update: Coverage of short-term receivables from Eximbanka

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