EXIMBANKA SR has a new Director General and two new members of the Management Board. The new Chairman of the Board of the Bank and CEO of EXIMBANKA SR will become the new Chairman of the Board of EXIMBANKA SR with effect from 7. Rastislav Podhorec, who until now worked as Deputy Director General at EXIMBANK SR, will become Director General of the Bank on December 2023. Milan Horváth is a new member of the Bank’s Supervisory Board and Deputy CEO for Finance and Insurance. Igor Lichnovský, who will not be an employee of EXIMBANKA SR, is also a new external member of the Bank’s Council.

EXIMBANKA SR through its banking and insurance activities supported exports in the first half of 2023 in the total amount of CZK 721.3 million. eur. According to the half-yearly data and the interim budget execution, it is highly likely that EXIMBANKA’s equity exposure (the sum of banking and insurance exposure, i.e. the size of the bank) will reach an all-time high at the end of the year, increasing by 22% compared to last year.