Eximbanka, which is the leader of synergy between the ministerial partners, initiated a coordination meeting of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, the Slovak Agency for Investment and Trade Development SARIO and Eximbanka for the second time this week in its premises.
The aim of the meeting was to exchange information on the upcoming business missions and trips of the state representatives and to follow up on each other’s activities and service offerings.
With this initiative, Eximbanka is responsibly contributing to the implementation of the tasks of the programme declaration of the Government of the Slovak Republic in the area of strengthening the synergy of state instruments for export promotion.
The basic prerequisites for effective export support of Slovak companies are communication, coordination and joining forces.
The meeting was attended by Egon Zorád (SARIO), Daniel Ondruš (SARIO), Daniela Koladová (MZVEZSR), Branislav Pochaba (MZVEZSR), Andrej Koleda (MHSR)) and Matúš Šársky (Eximbanka).