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Slovak exporters can definitely gain from the mutual cooperation of export credit agencies of the V4 countries

The annual meeting of the V4 Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) took place in Prague this week. The event, under the auspices of the Czech Presidency, was attended by the Czech Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation (Exportní garanční a pojišt’ovací společnostEGAP) Czech Export Bank (CEB), the Polish export credit agency KUKE, Hungarian EXIMBANK and Slovak EXIMBANKA SR. The aim of the meeting was to coordinate positions on issues of common interest in international forums, for example in the field of energy or financial rules of state support for exports, strengthening mutual cooperation, or sharing experiences and examples of good practice.

The presentations of individual portfolios and the results of partner ECAs over the past year confirm that the world of our exporters is constantly evolving. The ability of export credit agencies to meet their needs therefore needs to evolve with it. ECAs are increasingly involved in national strategic initiatives, such as strengthening the energy stability of their countries or supporting the purchase of inputs for energy production. Eximbanka is also entering the dialogue on this topic intensively. In response to the geopolitical and economic developments in the world, the export credit agencies of the V4 countries agreed on the need to share the risk in the form of mutual insurance or. securing or co-financing projects of common interest to exporters.

We see a perspective in the involvement of exporters, with the support of the V4 export credit agencies, in joint projects, but also in consortia, for example, within the EU development cooperation programmes or in the reconstruction of Ukraine. Bridges, railways, water treatment plants or energy infrastructure are examples of projects that are jointly implemented by Czech, Polish, Hungarian and Slovak companies with the support of export credit agencies, especially in developing countries. For Slovak exporters, the creation of consortia is beneficial and meaningful not only because of the linguistic, historical and economic proximity of the V4 countries, but also because of the possibility to participate in larger projects.,” said Igor Barat, Deputy CEO of Eximbank, responsible for Financing.

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As the only direct instrument of the state for export financing, EXIMBANKA SR is an important part of the chain responsible for promoting the country’s economic policy in the field of external economic relations. It is an important instrument of state support for exports in the field of financing, provision of guarantees and insurance of credit risks. It offers a wide range of export-related financial products, especially credit insurance, financing and guarantees. As a state export credit agency, it enables Slovak exporters to enter into trade and investment relations where the commercial financial sector is less interested in taking on risk and therefore performs a complementary function.

Media contact Martina Vráblik Solčányiová



Department of Communication and Marketing

Tel: +421 903 542 072

Email: vrablik@eximbanka.sk