What services are provided by EXIMBANKA SR
for Slovak companies?
The aim of the present survey is primarily to identify the needs of Slovak companies in connection with their penetration and application in the markets of developing countries. Your answer will help us to set up our processes more efficiently and to tailor our service offer more closely to the real demand and possibilities of Slovak companies.
EXIMBANKA SR is the only direct instrument of the state for export support offering Slovak exporters and their foreign partners a wide range of financial products for financing and securing export transactions. What companies can get from Eximbank SR in the area of support for developing markets:
financing resp. Insurance purchase of Slovak goods and services by public buyers (e.g. ministries, state-owned enterprises, municipalities, non-profit organisations with a state guarantee) to countries eligible for various forms of support and designated as development countries on preferential terms using grant funds (concessional export credit product),
support eligible projects Slovak exporters and using grant and guarantee funds from EU instruments),
obtaining information on opportunities to participate in tenders from international financial institutions (World Bank Group, EBRD, etc.) in developing countries for which it is also possible to obtain financing.