Supporting exports is our main mission. In addition to financing, providing guarantees, and insurance, we also provide expertise and consulting to identify opportunities for Slovak companies to find their place in foreign markets (especially outside the EU and OECD countries).
Supporting exports is our main mission. In addition to financing, providing guarantees, and insurance, we also provide expertise and consulting to identify opportunities for Slovak companies to find their place in foreign markets (especially outside the EU and OECD countries).
The fulfilment of our core purpose in enabling Slovak exporters to enter riskier trade and investment relations or territories is supported by our development mandate.
With this development mandate, we can enable companies (especially small and medium-sized enterprises) to enter developing territories, which are very difficult to penetrate without support and tools of development cooperation with regard to public debt or other, for example, security and political issues that these countries face.
Insurance or financing of preferential buyer’s credits for public buyers (e.g. ministries, state enterprises, municipalities, non-profit organizations with a state guarantee) of Slovak goods and services in eligible developing territories (territories entitled to receive various forms of support using grant funds)
Support in identifying new business opportunities in developing markets and involving exporters in tenders of the international financial institutions under the mandate of the Private Sector Liaison Officer (PSLO)
Support for development projects involving Slovak exporters in eligible territories with use of EU grant and guarantee instruments under the Global Gateway initiative
The use of preferential financing or private sector participation in international tenders will allow you to participate in projects that contribute to the development of the economy and society in selected developing countries. At the same time, engagement in development cooperation is in line with promoting EU values and interests in efforts to increase the competitiveness of European producers vis-à-vis large Asian producers in global markets.
Ing. Matúš Šársky
Department of International Relations
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