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Item index Item name Item and date of publication/closure/delivery (if applicable)
1 Name of the subject of the contract Pens
2 Invitation to tender (date of publication)
and its explanation (if applicable)
06. 11. 2013 challenge_pera_vr
3 Technical specification or service specification
4 Identification of the successful tenderer 1) IMI TRADE, s. r. o., Jánošíkova 21,, 010 Žilina; 2) Agentúra INA, s. r. o., Bratislavská 93, 911 01 Trenčín; 3) Hauerland, spol. s r. o., Matúšova 56, 811 04 Bratislava
5 Contract Obj_320_321_322_339_IMITRADE_INA_Hauerland_perá_web
6 Confirmation of delivery and acceptance of the subject of the contract
7 Amount of performance (actual) in EUR with VAT / without VAT
on the date of termination of the contract or framework agreement 1) 1 334,60/1 601,52 €; 2.1) 147,40/176,88 €; 2.2) 181,25/217,50 €; 3) 222,00/266,40 €
31. January 2013
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